**CVSTrac on Windows** _CVSTrac_ compiles and runs now natively on Windows. Latest binary build can be downloaded here at attachments section below (_7-zip_ format due attachments site limitation). _CVSTrac_ Windows version supports: *: password synchronization with Windows domain accounts *: _Microsoft IIS_ and _Apache HTTP Server_ *: other CGI generic servers *Note: This Windows version doesn't yet run as standalone HTTP server. See CVSTracNT project below if you need this functionality.* **Compiling CVSTrac Windows version** In order to compile _CVSTrac_ Windows you need to install recent versions of _MinGW_ (gcc 3.4 or later) and _crypt_ library (1.1 or later), which comes with _MinGW_ distribution. _MinGW_ and _crypt_ can be downloaded from:{linebreak} http://www.mingw.org/download.shtml http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2435 _CVSTrac_ also depends on _SQLite_ and _regex_ libraries that can be downloaded from:{linebreak} http://www.sqlite.org/download.html ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/old-gnu/regex/regex-0.12.tar.gz Once you have all prerequisites, download the _CVSTrac_ sources (CVS or at least 2.0.2 stable) as described in:{linebreak} http://www.cvstrac.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=DownloadCvstrac Copy =win32-mingw.mk= to =Makefile= and set the paths in =Makefile= (=INCDIRSQLITE=, =LIBDIRSQLITE=, =LIBREGEX=) according to your configuration. Build the binary using =make= command. When the build succeeds you should get =cvstrac.exe= in the _CVSTrac_ folder. (You may rename it to =svntrac.exe= or build with =make APPNAME=svntrac= for Subversion mode version) **Installing CVSTrac on Windows** Currently _CVSTrac_ can be installed only as CGI module for _Microsoft IIS_ or _Apache HTTP Server_. Native Windows builds doesn't (yet) run as standalone HTTP daemon. Relatively to the versioning system used together with _CVSTrac_, _CVSNT_ or _Subversion_ distributions need to be installed first before running _CVSTrac_. They can be obtained at:{linebreak} http://www.cvsnt.org/ http://subversion.tigris.org/project_packages.html *Note #1*: _CVS/Subversion_ binaries folder needs to be added to system =PATH=. *Note #2*: _RCS_ binaries are not needed with Windows build as it is using _CVSNT_ RCS wrappers. **Installing CVSTrac on Apache HTTP Server** Follow general _Apache_ documentation to install _CVSTrac_ as CGI module:{linebreak} http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/howto/cgi.html **Installing CVSTrac on Microsoft IIS** It is possible to install _CVSTrac_ so it is visible at "friendly URLs" like http://yourwebsite/tracker/YourProject/ on IIS using few easy tricks. This recipe requires _IIS 5.1_ for _Windows 2003/XP_ or later. *Note #1*: _IIS 5.1_ for Windows XP requires creating =C:\InetPub\www\tracker\YourProject= folder in order to avoid "_The directory name is invalid._" error. _IIS 6_ or later is not affected by this problem. *Note #2*: On _IIS 6_ =cvstrac.exe= must be added as allowed _Web Service Extension_. We will use =adsutil.vbs= from =C:\InetPub\AdminScripts=. We assume that _CVSTrac_ is compiled into =cvstrac.exe= put in =C:\pathtocvstrac\bin=, also that we have some projects databases initialized in =C:\pathtocvstrac\db= using =cvstrac init=. *: We need to modify =adsutil.vbs= to be able somehow pass quote (") character as parameter, that is needed to run _CVSTrac_ with parameters as script engine (Note: Double quotes are special Windows Scripting Host characters used wrapping parameters, and WSH doesn't support passing double quotes - known problem). Line 426, find: Case "STRING" IIsObject.Put ObjectParameter, (ValueList) Replace with: Case "STRING" ValueList = Replace(Args(2), "''", """") ' Replace quotes IIsObject.Put ObjectParameter, (ValueList) Line 449, find: Case "LIST" ReDim ValueList(ArgCount - 3) For ValueIndex = 2 To ArgCount - 1 ValueList(ValueIndex - 2) = Args(ValueIndex) Next Replace with: Case "LIST" ReDim ValueList(ArgCount - 3) For ValueIndex = 2 To ArgCount - 1 ValueList(ValueIndex - 2) = Replace(Args(ValueIndex), "''", """") ' Replace quotes Next *: Now we can create mapping in our website (use relevant number instead sample =w3svc/1= shown, default _IIS_ site is =w3svc/1=): adsutil.vbs create w3svc/1/Root/tracker IIsWebFile adsutil.vbs set w3svc/1/Root/tracker/ScriptMaps "*,''C:\pathtocvstrac\bin\cvstrac.exe'' cgi C:\pathtocvstrac\db,1,GET,HEAD,POST" *: Now you should be able to check if everything is fine with: C:\InetPub\AdminScripts>adsutil enum w3svc/1/Root/tracker KeyType : (STRING) "IIsWebFile" ScriptMaps : (LIST) (19 Items) "*,"C:\pathtocvstrac\bin\cvstrac.exe" cgi C:\pathtocvstrac\db,1,GET,HEAD,POST" ... and from now on we should be able to use _CVSTrac_ on IIS. **E-mail notification on Windows** For instant e-mail notification you can use great tool _sendEmail_ available at:{linebreak} http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/SendEmail/. Sample configuration can be in this (win32) case: (_feed it into single line_) sendEmail -f "%p Tracker " -t %A -u "[tracker] %p (%s) %t" -m "*%u* has changed the ticket assigned to you. Click here to view this ticket:\n https://www.your-server.com/tracker/%p/tktview?tn=%n\n\n%d" **Cygwin Windows versions** *CVSTracNT* There is also _CVSTracNT_ project, the newest version is v2.0.1 Build 20080601. It is _CygWin_ Windows version with extra tools and an installer. _CVSTracNT_ is registered at SourceForge:{linebreak} http://sourceforge.net/projects/cvstracnt/ You can always download the latest version from here:{linebreak} http://download.cnpack.org/CVSTracNT.exe _See also:_ CvstracNtIntroduction by Jingyu Zhou(zjy@cnpack.org) from China.