**GIT Trac** _These are some working notes of the process for adding a new ScmTrac. Eventually they'll be usable or, at least, coherent._ Steps to add GIT support to CVSTrac: *What The?* http://git.or.cz/ Strictly speaking, GIT isn't an SCM. Close enough. *First Steps* *: cp cvs.c git.c *: Add "git" to the _src_ array in /cvstrac/makemake.tcl, then: *: tclsh makemake.tcl >main.mk *: Edit /cvstrac/main.c and add a section for GIT at the top of =main()=. *: edit /cvstrac/history.c, adding support for GIT in the various functions. Search for 'g.zSCM'. Functions that need to be updated are (at the moment): *:: history_update *:: diff_versions *:: diff_chng *:: patchset_chng *:: is_file_available *:: dump_version *Getting something to work* The file /cvstrac/git.c is going to be where most of the action is found. Start by going through and removing stuff that the GIT code won't use. Rename all the various required functions to "git_". Once we get the cosmetic stuff out of the way, we basically have to start in on =git_history_update=. This is called periodically to find new changes from the repository. Practically speaking, this means it's going to get called and will need to efficiently say "show me any changes since revision _n_", for some _n_, and then suck in the changes into the _CHNG_, _FILE_ and _FILECHNG_ tables in some way that makes sense to the end user. How the GIT filesystem to the user has little bearing on CVSTrac, so go with something "natural" for GIT users. The entries in the _CHNG_ table should, as much as possible, look like atomic changesets. That should be feasible for any SCM more modern than CVS. The first thing that has to be dealt with in =git_history_update()= is how to handle git's concept of HEADS. Unlike CVS and Subversion, there's no concept of a linear "list of changes" that covers all repository activity. At least, I can't find one. For each "head", however, it's possible to trace everything back. The catch, however, is that we're walking back down a tree and a certain number of commits in each list are going to be shared between different heads and that AFAICT it's _not possible_ to determine from the revision history which "head" is what, in CVS or Subversion, we'd call the trunk. In other words, while git most certainly supports a rich concept of branching, we can't reliably _name_ any of the nodes in a git tree. In the short term, this means we're going to ignore the whole issue of git branches. Once past that issue, the actual procedure for pulling git revision information out is trivial. git was designed for having stuff like this built around it and it really shows. The lack of an easy way to diff blobs is a bit odd, but otherwise things just work the way a C coder would want them to. *Cosmetic Details* Code like: if( !strcmp(g.zSCM,"cvs") ){ } is found in various places. You probably want to look around and either disable certain functions which aren't relevant for GIT or enable certain functions which are applicable but aren't used by all other SCMs. In the case of git, the user-file things (like CVSROOT/passwd) aren't ever going to be used. In addition, it might be worth thinking about how changesets/revisions/hashes are displayed since, quite frankly, the usual unintelligible 32 character alphanumeric strings aren't pretty to look at or compact to lay out.